
Equality Illinois Calls for Prompt Consideration of Supreme Court Nominee
State’s largest LGBT advocacy organization calls on Illinoisans to contact Senators Kirk and Durbin

CHICAGO (March 6, 2016)–Just a few minutes ago, President Obama performed his constitutional duty by nominating Judge Merrick Garland to fill the U.S. Supreme Court vacancy left by the death of Justice Antonin Scalia.

Equality Illinois now calls on the U.S. Senate and our two Senators, Dick Durbin and Mark Kirk, to carry through on their constitutional responsibilities to fairly and thoroughly consider the nomination and hold a confirmation vote within a reasonable time.

The state’s oldest and largest LGBT advocacy organization is asking all Illinoisans to contact Senators Kirk and Durbin to urge them to move ahead with the confirmation process. Illinoisans can send a message at

“This Supreme Court nomination is likely to set the direction of the nation’s highest court for a generation. LGBT Americans and our families and friends know how important that is, with the court’s decision affirming our right to marry not even one year old,” said Bernard Cherkasov, CEO of Equality Illinois.

“Republicans are in the majority in the U.S. Senate, and the party’s leaders have pledged to not even consider any nomination by President Obama. This is an abuse of power and contrary to the United States Constitution and American history,” Cherkasov said.

“Sen. Kirk has demonstrated his willingness to do the right thing, breaking with his party, on issues such as support for marriage equality; and he is the only Republican in the Senate to endorse the Equality Act, which would prohibit discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans. He has indicated a willingness to consider the nomination, and we call on him to resist all pressure and follow through on the pledge so Judge Garland receives the fair hearing he deserves.”

As Democratic leader in the Senate, Sen. Durbin must also use his parliamentary expertise to move Judge Garland’s nomination forward.

It is important that Sen. Kirk and Sen. Durbin hear from their constituents. By going here– –Illinoisans will be sending both senators a message that President Obama’s nomination must be dealt with fairly, thoroughly and promptly by the Senate.

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