January 25th, 2023

Statement by Myles Brady Davis, Director of Communications at Equality Illinois, the state’s civil rights organization for LGBTQ+ people, regarding the violences and murders of Black and Brown trans people on the south side of Chicago:

Equality Illinois is outraged and saddened by the news of yet more murders and senseless violent attacks on Black and Brown trans people on the south side of Chicago. Violence against trans people is serious, underreported, and too often unrecognized by society and the government. Our nation, at every level, must commit to fight for an end to these senseless murders and acts of violence. We need to take concrete action to address the transphobia that perpetuates discrimination against members of my precious community. The lack of resources, opportunities, and public policies have disproportionately failed Black and Brown communities.  As a result, my Black and Brown trans siblings are far too often the victims of violence, police brutality, the school to prison pipeline, and public health crises.  We call on the Mayor to take immediate action and ensure resources are allocated to support the victims and their families and to find answers to these heinous acts of violence. The time is now to end systemic racism and transphobia so that we may pursue dignity for those who are no longer with us and for those whose lives hang in the balance.

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