Equality Illinois today called for the resignation of Warren Township High School District 121 Board member Liz Biondi for suggesting that the search for a new school superintendent exclude gay or lesbian candidates, thereby violating the clear Illinois law prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
At a public meeting of the board on Dec. 2, 2014 in Gurnee, Illinois, Biondi expressed that she is “going to be very blunt” and proceeded to caution the search firm against bringing gay or lesbian candidates for superintendent: “I’m concerned that if we hired someone that we were not aware of that background, that they may be fighting more personal fires than superintendent fires, I guess is what I’m going to say.”
“Biondi clearly demonstrated that she is not worthy of the trust to hold a position on the school board. We find Biondi’s comments as someone who is sworn to uphold the law to be reprehensible, and she needs to resign from the board effective immediately, certainly before the search process proceeds,” Cherkasov said.