Equality Illinois Tribute Brunch to Salute Quinn, Emanuel and other leaders

CHICAGO, IL (June 3, 2014) – As Illinois celebrates the official commencement of marriage equality this week, Equality Illinois plans to toast the political, community and corporate leaders who made our advances possible.

A Champagne Tribute Reception this Sunday, June 8 at the JW Marriott in downtown Chicago will be a highlight of Equality Illinois’ recognition of LGBT Pride Month. At the Tribute Brunch, Governor Pat Quinn, Lt. Governor Sheila Simon, Comptroller Judy Baar Topinka, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, and marriage bill sponsors Sen. Heather Steans and Rep. Greg Harris, and many other elected officials will be on hand to celebrate Pride Month and our year of victories.

“Our elected officials and community and corporate leaders have made possible our continued progress, with passage of the marriage equality bill last year and enhanced anti-bullying protections this year,” said Bernard Cherkasov, CEO of Equality Illinois, the state’s oldest and largest civil rights organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Illinoisans.

“They heard the voices of people who have felt the sting of discrimination. They have led the way to positive change. They know that it is right to stand up, and we wanted to take this opportunity to publicly express our appreciation,” Cherkasov said.

The Equality Illinois Tribute Champagne Brunch on Sunday, June 8 at the JW Marriott, 151 W. Adams St., Chicago, will open with a VIP Reception at 11 am followed by the Champagne Brunch at Noon. The brief program begins at 12:30 pm.

For more information and ticket purchases, go to:  www.eqil.org/TributeReception.

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