Community Advisory Group


As part of our commitment to an ongoing dialogue with stakeholders across Illinois, Equality Illinois launched the Community Advisory Group in 2016. The group is a diverse cross-section of voices from across Illinois that informs the policy positions and initiatives we adopt and pursue in our work to secure and defend the equal and inclusive rights of LGBTQ Illinoisans.

If you’re interested, please review the objectives and responsibilities of the Community Advisory Group, then download, complete, and return the application to Mike Ziri, Equality Illinois Director of Public Policy, at Applications are due no later than August 20, 2021 so that we can begin to review and select members. We want the 2021-2022 Group’s operations to get underway expeditiously to help us plan our priorities for the 2022 session of the Illinois General Assembly.

We want to make sure the Community Advisory Group includes the diverse views of LGBTQ Illinoisans from every corner of the state. Together, we will advance justice and equality in Illinois.


Objectives of the Community Advisory Group:

  • Engage grassroots LGBTQ individuals and allies in the policy work and agenda building to advance LGBTQ equality and social justice in Illinois
  • Ensure the LGBTQ policy agenda is crafted with input from an inclusive coalition of stakeholders from across Illinois
  • Offer professional development and leadership training for grassroots LGBTQ individuals
  • Identify individuals who can be surrogates or advocates to public officials, local media, and other organizations on LGBTQ issues

Responsibilities of Group Members:

  • Participate in monthly calls to inform and give feedback on EI’s policy agenda
  • Participate in reactive calls, as necessary, to respond to situations facing LGBTQ Illinoisans
  • Act as a surrogate to public officials, other organizations, and local media (when authorized by EI staff)
  • Attend and participate at LGBTQ Advocacy Day at the State Capitol (spring 2022, specific date TBD) and/or host an LGBTQ policy-oriented house party (with an EI staff person as the keynote presenter) that is attended by at least 10 other people who are not EI staff or other members of the Community Advisory Group. House parties should be scheduled and organized with EI staff in order to ensure participation by an EI staff person.

People of color, women, and trans and nonbinary people are strongly encouraged to apply to be members of the Community Advisory Group. Final decisions about EI’s policy agenda will be made by EI staff and our Board of Directors. The Community Advisory Group will provide critical insight. If you have any questions, please contact Mike Ziri, Director of Public Policy, at

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